Cherry Orchard FC

Founded 1957


Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the Membership Fee for Season 2024-25?
·         €450.00.
Can I pay Membership Fee in instalments?
·         Yes in 3 No.: Bi-Monthly instalments.
Are there Discounts on the Membership Fee’s?
·         Yes, there is a two Sibling Discount, Cost is €690.00.
·         The 3rd Sibling is Free of Charge.
·         Coaches receive a Discount.
Is there a Hardship Fund for Members in Financial Distress?
·         Yes, please email 
What do I get as part of my Membership Fee?
·         A Full Set of Training Kit Including 1/4 Zip Top, Tee Shirt, Shorts & Socks.
·         Cost of All Training Facilities.
·         Cost of Any Referee’s Fees.
·         Contribute towards the Financial Running of the Football Club.
Why do I have to pay for the DDSL Registration?
·         Yes, there is a fee for each Season of €35-40 which covers the Players Registration with the DDSL & Injury Cover. 
What is the Game Time for Players in COFC?
·         Age Group: U8/9 Format: 5 v 5 Game Time :75%. 
·         Age Group: U10/11 Format: 7 v 7 Game Time: 50%. 
·         Age Group: U12-U16 Format: 11 v 11 Game Time: 25-50%
Please Note:
It is Club Policy that when participating in Cup Games (U11 to U18) it may be necessary to only play a certain cohort of Players. The Head Coach will make Players, Parents and Guardians aware of this in the week leading up to the Cup Games.
In the event Players do not get to play in certain Cup Games, Game Time will be extended in the League Games which follow.

When & How do I contact my Childs Team Coaches?
Head & Assistant Coaches are Volunteers.
Our Coaches primary role within the Team Environment is to develop the Players both on and off the field of play.
Head Coaches oversee Assistant Coaches and Players.
Head Coaches liase with Club Officials and Parents/Guardians.
·         Club Regulations state that Parents/Guardians are not allowed to contact our Coaches on the Weekend by any means.
·         Please Text Coach on weekdays only.
·         Please Refrain sending Coaches long winded Text Messages.
·         Please Contact the Coach with:
A.    A simple Text requesting a meeting after training.
B.     A simple Text requesting a Phone call when convenient. 
How do I resolve any issues that I feel my Child has in the Team environment?
·         Request a Meeting with the head Coach.
·         Meet the Head Coach in person.
·         Head Coach/Parent/Guardian should be in a position to resolve the majority of issues.
How do I resolve Conflict with Fellow Parents/Guardians?
·         The First port of call is to meet the Head Coach in person.
·         Meet the Head Coach in person.
·         Head Coach/Parent/Guardian should be in a position to resolve the majority of issues.
How do I Escalate any issues which I feel have not been resolve through discussions with my Teams Coaching Staff?
·         Complete COFC Disclosure Form. See Link Below. 
What Constitutes a Child Welfare Complaint?
A person makes a report if they have a concern about a child and they have information that points to the child being harmed or being at risk of significant harm.
Harm or hurt can mean different things. It can be 
·         Physical, like an injury, 
·         Emotional, like being threatened or frightened,
·         Sexual, like someone using their power to involve a child in sexual activity,
Neglect, where a child does not have the basic things they need, like not having enough food, not being washed, or being left alone for long periods of time, or Wilful Neglect, where the child is intentionally not cared for or given the things they need, such as food or medical care. 
Wilful means that the parent/guardian had the ability and resources (such as money) to care for the child but they do/did not care for their child.
Risk means unsafe situations, or people behaving in ways that are likely to be dangerous. 
If any of the above apply please email and complete Jot Form Sent by return.
Are Members entitled to use Club Car Park?
·         Car Parking within the Facility is kept for Coaches and certain Volunteers.
·         Unfortunately, due to limited Car Parking spaces with cannot make space available for Members.
·         If a Club Member needs to use the Car Park for Medical needs I.E. Disabled Badge or say a Player has a serious Medical Condition (Diabetes, Neuro Diverse, etc…) please request permanent access.
Why don’t Players train on the Astro in Elmdale for all sessions?
·         In the main this is down to quantity of Teams and requirement for larger Spaces for certain Teams.
·         In addition, we have contractual obligations to meet with our Player Pathway Partnership Club St Patricks Athletic whose Women’s Academy Teams utilise our facility.
When are Annual General Meetings?
·         Yearly in the Month of March/April.
Who Owns the Football Club?
·         The Club is owned by the Members and the Property of the Club is vested in our three Trustee’s.
·         Our current Trustees are Tom Kennedy, Steve O’Brien & Paddy Mc Nevin.
Who Runs the Football Club?
·         The Executive of the Football Club are tasked with the Day to Day running of the Football Club.
Who are the Executive Members of the Football Club?
Club Chairperson:                             Tom Kennedy
Club Secretary:                                  Stephen O’Brien
Treasurer:                                          Mark Muddiman
Senior Section Representative:        Dave Curley
Senior Section Representative:        Philip Finnegan
Underage Section Representative:   Brendan Wynne
Underage Section Representative:   Dave Bissett
Underage Section Representative:   Nadine O’Brien
What is the Role of the Senior Leadership Team?
·         To Develop and Deliver the Underage Section Football Strategy throughout the Football Club.
·         To Advise and Manage all the requirements of the Underage Section of the Football Club.
·         To create an environment which allows the Club to become the premium Grass Roots Club in the Country.
Who are the Senior Leadership Team and What are their Role?
Senior Leadership Director:             Paul Massey
Academy Representative:                 Alan Doyle
Football Operations Manager:        Mark Clohessy
Girls Director of Football:                Dave Bissett
Small Sided Games DOF:                 Paul Webb
St. Pats Partnership Manager:        Ian Bermingham
Underage Chairperson:                    Stephen O’Brien
What is the nature of the Player Pathway Partnership with St Patricks Athletic?
·         Both Clubs entered into a Player Pathway Partnership Agreement which runs to November 2027.
·         The essence of the Agreement is to create a best in practice environment to allow both Boys and Girls thrive within Cherry Orchard Football Club and enter the St Pats Academy Structure at age 13 for boys and 15 for girls.
What is my Child does not enter the St Patricks Athletic Academy Set Up?
·         It is our stated aim that we want all U13 Boys and U15 Girls to enter the League of Ireland Structure. 
·         Current arrangements in place allow Boys and Girls to train after the Christmas period with LOI Clubs in the hope that as many Players as possible enter a LOI Academy.
What is my Child does not enter a League of Ireland Academy Set Up?
·         Cherry Orchard has a Player Pathway in place for Players not entering a LOI Academy Set Up to remain at COFC and progress onto U14, U15, U16, U17, U18 & Seniors.
·         In addition we have plans to have our 1st ever Women’s Team in 2026-27.
What are the Fundraising Parameters within the Football Club?
·         In Season 2025-26 the Club will need to deliver Fundraising Events to deliver €40,000.00.
·         Team Fundraising towards Trips Away must be logged with the Clubs SLT by the Team Coach by emailing 
·         Under no circumstances are Teams allowed to undertake Bucket Collections in Public Houses or any establishments where Alcohol is served.
·         Please email with any Insurance Questionnaire requests.
Team Travel SFAI Games over 100KM?
·         The Club covers Transport by means of a Bus to SFAI Games over 100KM.
·         The Club, depending on length of journey will partially cover food on the way to the Game.
How do we go about Sponsoring a Team Kit? 
·         Email with a quotation request.
·         Enter Teams Name and Managers Name in Subject Line.
·         State Company Name, Contact Name and Contact Telephone Number who wish to sponsor team.
·         The Club will Email Sponsor by return.

How do we go about Lodging Sponsorship Money?
·         Email
·         Enter Teams Name and Managers Name in Subject Line.
·         State Company Name, Contact Name and Contact Telephone Number.
·         State what money is for (I.E. Trip/Gear) and the Value.
·         The Club will Email Sponsor by return.
Team Travel Abroad Rules & Regulations?
·         When traveling abroad on a Club Trip all traveling adults and Players must attend a Travel Induction Meeting.
·         In addition, all traveling members must sign off a Traveling Code of Conduct.
How do I find a copy of the Clubs Code of Conduct?
How do I Contact the Club Management?
·         Emergency Contact Numbers are located on Club Zap.
·         Click on Clubhouse Icon.
·         Click on Emergency Contacts Icon.
What do I do if my Child Gets Injured?
·         Request Head Coach fill complete COFC Injury Report and lodge with Mark Clohessy.
·         For serious Injuries the Parents/Guardians must follow the DDSL Claims process detailed below.
The Club do not have the Finances to provide payments towards Hospital Visits or Physiotherapy Care.
The costs of Physiotherapy Care fall onto the Parents/Guardians.
DDSL Claims Process.
For all new notifications or injuries, please contact Lesson Group as soon as possible (and no
later than 30 Days) who handle all claims and queries on behalf of the DDSL and their insurers,
Leeson Group Contact name: Elizabeth Brohoon
Contact numbers; 01 4852988 & 086 2228303
For a new injury, please send the following details to the email address above, you will then
receive a reply along with a DDSL Claim Form.
➢ Name of Player:
➢ Parent/guardian name and contact details:
➢ Date of birth:
➢ Club:
➢ Date of injury:
➢ Injury sustained:
The Claim form must be completed by the parent /guardian of the player and signed by a club
The second page of the form must be completed in full and stamped by a doctor.
Please return the completed form along with any receipts for expenses to the email address
above. If a player is having surgery, please also send a copy of the referral letter.
For any queries, please contact Elizabeth Brohoon at the above numbers
Please note your private health insurer is the first port of call and this policy only caters for
Medical Expenses which are irrecoverable elsewhere. Cover is provided for limited
Physiotherapy Expenses where there is a requirement for same pre or post-surgery.
All policies must be used first before this section is operative.
Your Child must be a Current registered player of the DDSL in that Season.

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